Today Oscar seems a lot more interested in the world around him! He is looking around and staring intently at bright coloured toys.
Last night I got the full on exorcist stylee projectile vomit while burping him! Quite scary actually, I wasn't prepared for the noise! A bit like a mini fire hydrant. Luckily I had muzzy on hand. (muslin square, 'muzzy', a term we have inherited from our friends Jen and Phil. Amazing how many of those you can go through in a day.
Today we got the baby monitor out to try for this first time. About 10 minutes before we needed it. That's when I read the instructions and learned you need to charge it up for 16 hours before you can use it! Luckily I had some rechargeable ready I could swap.
We put him down for his 7.30 nap, which the book we are reading says is when we get to eat. Unfortunately he hasn't read the book and decided this was the time to really learn about how loud a sound he can make when left alone.
Can never have too many muzzies!!! Greeat photos - bit blurry round the edges. Think I may need some special glasses or something :)