This morning I discovered that at 60 days Oscar can already get himself to the shops, buy me a star wars Vader "I am your father" T shirt *and* write a card for me in fairly legible script. Amazing, though I don't think as a signature it would stand up in court. Tasha reminded me that she didn't get anything on Mother's day even though she was pregnant. Apparently "He wasn't born yet so you weren't a mother" is an excuse used by men the world over.
Today was my cousin David's Chari-tea party, raising funds for the Quicken Trust (who are helping a village in Kabubu). Oscar decided that after a morning of super fast short feeds, he would need an extended drawn out lengthy long feed just as we got there. So Tasha sat inside feeding and I sat with her asking Oscar to hurry up as the cakes and scones were gradually eaten out in the sunshine...
There was literally no parking it was so popular. 100's of people descended on their cottage and rose garden.
By the time we got into the queue the tea had run out, but luckily master chef Yann had hidden two scones for us, and they were marvellous.
Oscar has stopped say "ohh-ghee, ohh-ghee", which was his "I'm getting really upset now" sound. He still blows raspberries about 10 minutes before waking up for a feed, which is a handy reminder to get the bottle heater on.
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