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Thursday, 14 March 2013

Day 1058 / Day 55 Double trouble

Eek! Again with the massive long gap between posts. Big news, we have another baby, Eden, born 15/1/13. Yes I am photographing her in 3D every day as I did with Oscar! No photos at all up here yet, somehow the joy of *two* little people seems to be much greater than the sum of their parts. Especially when that joy starts for me at 5.30am and through the night for Tasha. We are also totally remodelling our house and time seems to be a fluid experience, mostly flowing away from me it seems. Since last posting, I finished scoring the movie 'Death', which is currently doing rather well on the festival circuit. I also scored 'Gangsters Guns and Zombies' (2013 Lionsgate) which does pretty much what it says on the tin and hit DVD and VOD in Jan, and 'All Stars' (2013 Vertigo) a marvelous 3D family film from the company who made 'Streetdance'. All Stars features some great performances from the young leads, a witty script and a great soundtrack of bangin' tunes. See, I'm down wit da kids. It's in cinemas May 3rd, currently trailers running in cinemas before 'Oz the great and the powerful'

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