Day one of my incarceration. I have contagious tonsilitus and have been banished to the spare room with its bare walls, tiny barred window and stainless steel toilet.*
I must have no contact with my wife and son, so drinks are occasionally pushed around the door, when I may gaze upon another human's skin for a fleeting moment.
If someone could get word to my mother, perhaps salvation awaits.
I had to pass on a trip to film Komodo Dragons in 3D. Although having googled them and seen what they can do (and how FAST they are), perhaps the Panasonic AG3D-A1 doesn't have a long enough lens for safety.
Oscar had an enforced Mummy night and day, poor Mummy having to do all the feeds, nappies and sterilising...and look after me!
As an added bonus I was up most of the night vomiting. A really lovely feeling when your throat is like sandpaper. Nice combo.
*actually I'm in Oscar's room and it's rather nice. Still feeling grotty though.
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