Still banished to Oscar's room, lest my spores be spread amongst the clean. Those fine people should not have to look upon me, my with my fat neck and four day growth.
Thankfully the wifi is strong here.
Every other time I had tonsillitis it seems I really had 'a sore throat'.
I'd never felt like this. Today I was looking at glass of water but I was not able to get up for it. A few hours later I could walk OK. Later on there I was on my back knocked out again. Weird.With any luck the penicillin will do it's job.
I made the mistake of googling the illness to find that it can lead to rheumatic fever and heart problems if not treated quickly enough.
By mid afternoon the healing powers of chicken soup are with me! Dad dropped off soup and 20mins later I felt like a different person.
Once again Mummy had to do everything. All I could do was watch (from a distance)*. I can pick him up again from 2.42pm on Friday. Exactly 48hrs from when I started taking the penicillin I will no longer be contagious. Whether Mummy will let me back in our room again is another matter. She's started talking about how well she slept and how it would be nice to redecorate, "to make it a bit more girly"
Good new today though, the Komodo Dragon shoot is postponed to September so it's back on!
*baby monitor!
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